Our collection of exclusive, made-to-order pieces, all of which are handblown in NYC.
Le Grand Corail de Feu
Les Coraux
Le Petit Acropora
Les Coraux
Le Grand Acropora
Les Coraux
Le Petit Corail Bleu
Les Coraux
Le Petit Belize
Les Coraux
Le Petit Corail Flamboyant
Les Coraux
Le Fleuve Vase
Asking For a Friend
La Chaleur Vase
Asking For A Friend
La Lumiere Vase
Asking for a friend
L'Aurore Vase
Asking For A Friend
La Pierre Vase
Asking for a friend
La Vitalité Vase
Asking For A Friend
Le Mouvement Vase
Asking for a friend
SLJ × Sticky Cocktail Mixer
Black & Whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Cocktail Mixer
Green & Whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Cocktail Mixer
Salmon & Whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Tumbler
Black & whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Tumbler
Green & whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Tumbler
Salmon & whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Shot Glass
black & whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Shot Glass
green & whiskey
SLJ × Sticky Shot Glass
amber & whiskey